AI Pineal


Most frequent questions and answers related to AI bot
An AI bot is a program that can hold meaningful conversations with a person.
AI bots play an important role in customer service and marketing which can be a game-changer for your business.
Your customers can ask questions and can get information related to your products and services by having a chat with an AI bot. 
Thus, AI bots act as a perfect front-desk agent.
AI bots communicate with customers by using Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques to hold a human-like conversation.
AI bots are the fastest way for customers to interact with a business and get the information they need as quickly as possible instead of getting information via emails, inquiry forms, or phone calls.
Building a powerful AI bot loaded with Artificial Intelligence (AI) features for your business greatly improves customer’s experience, hence building a faithful and lasting relationship with them while helping you to increase and generate more sales.
In today’s world, AI bots are surely the most powerful engagement tools a business can use to get ahead in the competition.
AI bots can be integrated with your website or any other social media platform.
Traditional chatbots communicate with the user through a series of defined pre-set rules. However, they can’t respond to questions other than these pre-defined rules. These chatbots also do not self-learn through conversations.
AI bots are self-learning bots that are programmed with Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques.
Machine learning is a programming technique that learns from the data, recognizes patterns within them, and can make decisions with minimal human interference.
AI bots are trained on data that are present with the companies. They also self-learn from data collected while having a conversation with your clients.
By using business domain knowledge and Natural Language Understanding (NLU), the AI bot analyses and understands users’ intents and entities, and then responds with the most relevant answer to the user.